
Today I was talking to a friend, and she mentioned the faithfulness of God in her life, specifically His faithfulness through the trying moments in our lives. It reminded me of how God redeems the things in our lives for His glory.
Last Sunday we talked about Peter’s story. After denying the Lord three times, Peter was given the opportunity to his life redeemed by Jesus three times. There are times in our lives, like those in Peter’s, where we do something that is seemingly unredeemable; however, God takes those dark moments in our lives and gives us the opportunity to have those redeemed by Him. 
I Peter 1:18-19 says, “knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot.”
The word ransomed means, “to obtain the release of (aprisoner) by making a payment demanded.” We were once prisoners, shackled, imprisoned, and trapped by the things of the world, but by the precious blood of Jesus Christ we have been released and obtained with the precious blood. Not only that, but we are fully redeemed, without blemish or spot. This message is simple, but it is so important that we remember it; everyone has parts of their lives that are not our proudest, but we can take the opportunities that Jesus has given us to embrace freedom through His redemption.
As this week goes on, I encourage you to ask the Lord what parts of your life He wants to redeem for His glory and then willingly give those things to Him. 
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